
Ing. Stiva Jokeš

Ing. Stiva Jokeš

Managing Partner

“You have reached an impasse in your business. You’re at the end of your rope and you’re out of ideas. Don’t worry, there is almost always a solution. We will help you get back on your feet. There is no shame in falling, but there is shame in staying down. Business is a team sport!”

Ask for help

BL4U s.r.o.

Podkovářská 674/2, Vysočany, 190 00 Prague 9

ID: 09131264
VAT: CZ09131264
File number C 333464 kept at the Municipal Court in Prague



Tel: +420 284 028 886

Mailbox: mr56vvj

BL4U s.r.o.
Podkovářská 674/2,
Vysočany, 190 00 Prague 9